Weingut Stubits

The island of the blessed. The Stubits family lives and works in Harmisch, at the foot of the Csaterberg, an picturesque “wine island” surrounded by tall forests. Every day, Kathrin and Rainer Stubits are out and about among their vines with their senses attuned to discover exactly what each individual vineyard needs. This takes a lot of time, as the Csaterberg is historically structured in extremely small parcels. A vineyard can consist of just two rows of vines. But the effort is worth it.

Blaufränkisch, which is the most important grape variety on the estate alongside Welschriesling, feels particularly at home in the Kleincsater vineyard, where it always develops a particularly dense, mineral backbone. This is largely due to the freshwater opals in the soil.

The opals, which are found xclusively in the Csaterberg are, are a porous rock. They make the soil more permeable and sandy. The vines can root easily and readily absorb nutrients such as minerals. A very special terroir that Rainer and Kathrin bring to the bottle without compromise.


Weingut Stubits
7512 Harmisch 12

+43 6645366992


IG: weingut_stubits

FB: stubitsharmisch


Öffnungszeiten: Anmeldung erforderlich unter +43 6645366992 oder office@stubits.at 

Weinbaugebiet: Eisenberg

Ort: Harmisch

Lagenweine: Kleincsater, Hochcsater, Csaterberg